The Tennessee Thespian Conference will offer college auditions for high school JUNIORS & SENIORS during the Conference. A variety of colleges will be represented, but there is no guarantee how many or which colleges will attend the auditions. Auditions will be held in 3 areas: Acting, Musical Theatre, and Technical Theatre.
The deadline for submissions is December 1. Late registrations will be accepted until December 15 BUT will require a $20 late registration fee.
Rules for each are listed below:
General Rules for all College Auditions
- Candidates must be a junior or senior in high school, must be a paid delegate to the Thespian Conference and must attend a school that is registered at the conference.
- Candidates must:
- Complete the application form online at
- Submit a one page only (8.5 x 11) actor-style resume. These must be submitted electronically with the online application.
- Submit a headshot. These must be submitted electronically with the online application.
- After form is completed and resume with headshot is uploaded, send a check or money order for $10.00 made payable to Tennessee Educational Theatre Association to:
Mr. Mark Saltalamachia
C/O Franklin High School
810 Hillsboro Rd.
Franklin, TN 37064
All fees must be paid before auditions begin.
- The deadline for registration is December 1st. Your online application must be entered before 11:59pm on December 1st. Late registration will be accepted based upon availability through December 15 for an additional fee of $20 (If submitting late, the fee total is $30.00.) Refunds will NOT be made for any reason whatsoever once the check and application have been submitted.)
Acting Audition Rules
- Candidates must perform TWO contrasting monologues not to exceed 2 minutes total.
- Do NOT include any explanation or background of the monologues.
- You must slate your monologue: state your name, title of the play for each piece and the authors.
Musical Theatre Rules
- Candidates must sing only 16 bars from a Broadway show
- AND perform one monologue FROM A MUSICAL not to exceed 1 minute. Do NOT include any explanation or background for your song or monologue.
- You must slate your monologue: state your name, title of the song and the musical it is from, title of the play the monologue is from, and the author/composer of each.
- The song must be sung to a track that has music ONLY (NO VOCALS can be on the track)
- Candidate must provide the track on their own personal audio device.
- No songs may be sung a cappella.
- The conference will provide a speaker and a connection for your personal audio device that will also have Bluetooth capabilities.
- Due to spotty Wi-Fi connections in the audition rooms, it is recommended that the music be downloaded to the device.
Tech Theatre Rules
- Candidates must present a portfolio of his or her work.
- The portfolio should include photos and/or actual examples of work.
- Items should be displayed in a set-up/display that can be placed on a table and seen by the entire panel.
- The candidate will have a total of 4 minutes to explain and describe his/her work.
- The presentation will be followed by an interview/Q & A session regarding the portfolio.
Friday 1st Round Auditions
- Candidates must present a portfolio of his or her work.
- The portfolio should include photos and/or actual examples of work.
- Items should be displayed in a set-up/display that can be placed on a table and seen by the entire panel.
- The candidate will have a total of 4 minutes to explain and describe his/her work.
- The presentation will be followed by an interview/Q & A session regarding the portfolio.
Again, after submitting the online form, resume and headshot, mail a $10.00 check made payable to the Tennessee Educational Theatre Association.
Mr. Mark Saltalamachia
C/O Franklin High School
810 Hillsboro Rd.
Franklin, TN 37064
Deadline is December 1st. The deadline for late registration is December 15th and there is an extra $20.00 late fee.
Once we receive all of the applications, we will schedule the auditions and share the schedule with you prior to the conference. Each student is responsible for picking up their feedback sheets at the registration table in the lobby of Tucker Theater on Friday night following the Main Stage Performance.
The Tennessee Thespian Society does not take any responsibility for the decisions made by the college panelists.
Questions? Contact