TNEDTA Board of Directors
The Educational Theatre Association creates an educational and professional network for theatre arts educators, students, professionals, and enthusiasts to share ideas and support the effort to have theatre arts education recognized in all phases of education and lifelong learning.
Executive Director - Lisa Moody
Lisa Moody is starting her 32nd year at Brentwood High School in Brentwood TN as the theater teacher and Human Enrichment Department Head. She and her husband David have been involved in the high school and professional theater community for years, building sets, acting, and directing. When she is not in the theater, she enjoys family time with her husband, kids, and grand dogs. She loves lake time, Murray State Football (Go Racers!) and being involved in various ministries with her church. She has served on the Executive Board for TEDTA for the past 7 years. She looks forward to this new adventure as executive director and wants to thank you all for your support.